• wintechagrochemicals@gmail.com
  • 9575111302
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1. Broad-Spectrum Disease Control

  • Carbendazim is a systemic fungicide that controls a wide range of fungal diseases by inhibiting the growth of fungal cells from within the plant.
  • Mancozeb is a contact fungicide that forms a protective barrier on the plant surface, preventing fungal spores from germinating and spreading.
  • Together, they provide broad-spectrum control against multiple fungal pathogens, including those causing leaf spots, blights, mildews, and rusts.

2. Dual Mode of Action

  • The combination of a systemic fungicide (Carbendazim) and a contact fungicide (Mancozeb) ensures both internal and external protection of the plant.
  • This dual action helps in managing resistance development in fungal populations, making it effective over repeated use.

3. Enhanced Crop Protection

  • Protects a wide variety of crops including cereals, fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals from fungal infections.
  • Helps in safeguarding crops during critical growth stages, ensuring healthy development and better yield.

4. Long-Lasting Effectiveness

  • Mancozeb's protective barrier provides long-lasting protection against new infections, while Carbendazim's systemic action eliminates existing infections within the plant tissues.
  • This combination ensures prolonged disease control, reducing the need for frequent applications.

5. Improves Crop Quality and Yield

  • By controlling fungal diseases effectively, WIN-75 ensures that crops remain healthy and free from damage, leading to improved quality and quantity of yield.
  • It reduces the impact of diseases on the growth and development of crops, leading to better marketable produce.

6. Ease of Application

  • As a wettable powder, it is easy to mix and apply using standard spraying equipment.
  • Its formulation ensures good coverage on plant surfaces, enhancing its effectiveness.

7. Safe for Use

  • When used as directed, WIN-75 is safe for crops and non-toxic to beneficial organisms like pollinators.
  • It is suitable for integrated pest management (IPM) programs, helping farmers maintain ecological balance.